Monday, 9 January 2012

Neighborhood Terrorism - Gang Stalking [WITH IN LINKING]

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Neighborhood Terrorism  - Gang Stalking [WITH IN LINKING]


Acts of organized neighborhood terrorism committed against an individual or family are generally cowardly in nature, in that they typically occur under the veil of night, hidden as part of a secret conspiracy between its perpetrators. The individual acts themselves, although the goal of the conspirators is to fly under the radar of illegality, will either in part or whole constitute crimes punishable by law. And it should be your goal as a victim of these crimes to bring these coward conspirators to justice, and have them put behind bars as well as have strong civil suits brought against them where harm is done to you or your family.


Psychological Terrorism: If the acts committed against you and your family by members of your community are intended to be [strictly psychological] in their effect. Rest on the following ideal. An individual who would conspire with others to "make you feel bad" by either engaging in slander or other [weak acts] really isn't much of an individual to begin with, and really hasn't even the most basic understanding of what our role as human beings [toeach other] really ought to be. Although the isolation that generally accompanies this tactic can be powerful if you let it, if someone is to be demoralized by the occurrence of these acts, it should be the conspirator for his inhumanity, and not you the intended victim. Surround yourself with truly supportive friends and family. Rely on their love, support, and brotherhood, and simply ignore the cretans.

Electronic Terrorism: There are many technologies that exist today that a conspirator can either purchase or have built and in turn commit acts of electronic terrorism against you and your family. From simply playing games with the electric and electronic devices in your home or videotaping and photographing you in public with the use of covert cellphone cameras to using these technologies to cause actual pain, discomfort, and distress to you, as well as surveil and monitor your activity and invade your privacy, there is a great deal of harm that can be done in this area, and it is probably one of the most difficult areas to combat. Whether state sponsored or group or community sponsored, if individuals have decided for whatever reason to target your family with neighborhood terrorism that neighborhood will no doubt include your place of work -the ultimate goal there being the complete collapse of your finances. If this goal is achieved, then you are generally left unable to combat any aspect of the abuse let alone be able to afford equipment to either detect or combat this electronic terrorism. Be vigilant. Remember your ultimate goal should be to bring these individuals to justice. As such, if you keep seeing the same people in public with cellphone cameras pointed at your face, note their description for the police.  Record every obvious incident of out of place glitch or destruction of your home electronics. When devices completely fail after periods of out of place weird occurrences [electronic device failure], have the devices tested for evidence of physical or electronic tampering. If you cannot afford to have the devices tested, then store them in a secure place in your home until such time as you can have then tested as part of your case against you conspirators.

Chemical and Biological: First off cover the basics. Every home should be equipped with both smoke and carbon-monoxide detectors. Have these devices tested and maintained regularly. Beyond this there are other gasses and chemicals that can be introduced to your home environment  in cases [without you even being aware] by individuals conspiring to harm you and your family.  With the fervor and blindness with which these individuals can deliberately cause harm to you and the members of your family -in many cases [your children included], one should not overlook this area, or assume there are limits to evil acts committed by hell-bent ignorant people. If there is an over-abundance of cold and flu as well as other serious viruses present in your home beyond normally expected by season, take precautions. If the frequency with which your children come home sick from school is way above norm again be wary. Teach your children to vigilant when outside. The railings to your home outside, the door handle and knobs can be made weapons against your family. The newspapers and flyers left at your door can also be used to harm you. To the average individual these ideas might seem extreme. But to individuals experiencing and living with these cold cowardly acts perpetrated against their family they are real. Regularly clean and sanitize these instruments outside your home. The things you don’t need to bring inside your home, take them immediately to the trash. If you have serious concern about your children coming home from school with flu germs, raise your concern there. Ask the teachers to help you keep your children vigilant by having a healthy policy for the prevention of the spread of germs at school and reminding students to observe them.

Sound Terrorism: From small weird sounds around the outside of your home at night to stereo system of a next door neighbor. Sound can be used in an attempt to terrorize you, and as usual the perpetrator will always try to fly under the radar of actually breaking the law. A conspirator might play his/her stereo just loud enough to not actually be above that unacceptable to law enforcement but still be very disruptive to your family. Or that individual might do so all day, stopping just shy of that time of night ordained by your municipality as illegal. For starters, speak up. If the sound is disturbing your family, say so.. directly to the individual. It doesn't matter what time of the day it is. Everyone has a right to enjoy their home in the manner they choose, and there has to be some kind of compromise. To the issue of deliberate malicious noise and sounds outside your home intended to terrorize your family, installing video cameras outside and around your home, and actually capturing the cretans as they crawl around your home at night will go a long way when you take the entire group of conspirators to court. The conspirator will of course try to use your own cameras as a weapon against you as well, by either staging diversionary acts in front of your monitors or in some cases hack into the camera feed itself and as such seeing what you see.

Pet and Garbage Terrorism: If all the neighborhood dogs line up in the evening or early in the morning to pee on your lawn where your children play, it's probably not a coincidence. Coward conspirators will have elaborate systems of acts supported by cellphone and light and wave communication all intended to have all pet excrement as well as loose garbage end up at your doorstep. If your lawn is the only one dead or browning in the neighborhood -hard as you try, yours the only tree dead in front of your home, even after you have the city replace the tree.. Think conspiracy, not coincidence. Again a couple of well-placed cameras can generally give you some peace of mind here. The cowards after all want to remain anonymous, and love when fall and winter set in so they can parade past your home with hoodies and parkas in full usage. Again, take some solace in the ideal; someone who would wake, and instead of thinking about how they can positively contribute to their community and world, think instead of how to poison the tree in front of your home, or how to sneak their pet past your home for a piss, that someone, in the grand scheme of things, really isn't much of a someone to begin with. Get it all on video/photos and take it to court or your justice of the peace, as many times as you need to, till there are laws specifically aimed at this form of terrorism.

If the acts committed against you and your family in around your home do not exclude your children, then there is a likelihood that there are similar acts specifically targeting your children at school. First of all, if there is an attempt to isolate your family in your neighborhood, that isolation will in no wise escape your children, and will actually have a more profound effect on them than it does on you the parent. Presuming there is even the slightest of credible reason for the acts of terrorism you have to endure, you will find yourself asking what any of this has to do with your children. Unfortunately, you cannot using common sense bring an individual to morality, for were that person in possession of a sense of morality to begin with, they would have from go been acting on this sense of morality, and as such there would be no immorality to plead to. The immoral impose no limits on their immorality, even in so far as children are involved. Again, here be vigilant. If your child has the sense at school he or she is being isolated, speak to the school. This issue needs to be finessed more so than some overt act. None the less. Don't hesitate. Your goal here isn't so much to get your child a normal stable of friends, but to put the school on covert alert from other issues that will no doubt accompany the isolation, such as your child being picked on for fights or acts of vandalism concerning their property. There should be no tolerance for any adult sending a child to school with a vendetta to disrupt another child's education. If discovered it should be prosecuted.


As mentioned earlier, community terrorism never stops in your home community. If a group of individuals has to decided to target you with callus acts intended to destroy your quality of life, they will no doubt bring this scourge to your place of work, and generally in the same cowardly way they target you at home. They will [anonymously] contact your employer and or coworkers, either slandering your name based on complete fabrication or misrepresent facts from your actual life -their intent of course to either have you fired, or to infect recruit other conspirators, except in this case, actually at your place of work. Again, speak up. As soon as you have evidence these cowards have in fact taken their filth to your place of work, confront your employer. Be clear, a responsible employee will investigate facts based on evidence before acting. To take the word of a complete anonymous stranger as fact over your own employee whom you chose to hire in the first place is in fact unintelligent. To not even table the issue with your employee as soon as you become aware of it is a violation of that employee's rights. If you're being isolated at work, and you feel it's due to community terrorism, again speak up. Request a meeting. Raise the issue. Every individual has a right to face their accuser. It there is any credibility to the claims these conspirators make in order to recruit, they should cease being the cowards they are, if only briefly, and have the courage to stand facing you and make their claim. The individual who does not even make this a requirement of their recruiter, is being manipulated.


Responsible policing in your community should in no wise ignore or make light of the plight of some who is being or even who suspects they are being targeted by a group of individuals with acts intended to undermine your quality of life. Whether you live in Canada or The U.S. there are certain individual rights guaranteed by the constitution in either of these countries, and it should be an active part of the role of law enforcement to have those rights respected and enjoyed by all. You have a right to privacy. It is hard to enjoy privacy if your name is callously being slandered in your neighborhood and if your every movement is being monitored and reported among coward conspirators. Again, those who commit acts of community terrorism usually do so in a weasely cowardly way in an attempt to avoid detection or to fly under the radar of law enforcement. Breaking the law however is breaking the law, and the police should investigate these reports of this form of violence as vigorously as they investigate others.


It is amazing to no end the naivety and callousness with which seemingly reasonably thinking individuals with jump on this bandwagon of hate. The [perceived power] in destroying or manipulating someone else's life really isn't power at all. It's a sick perverted disease, and really should be seen as such by all. Any responsible person who would, simply on hearsay, take up the fire stick of community terrorism really needs to look within their own life for the lack. For surely there is a lack there. These gangs are nothing short of a modern-day witch hunt. Many of the technique used by these groups to target [gang-bully] individuals in their community are derived frankly from olden day tools of racism, class oppression, bigotry, and elitism. And the very people jumping on board with this disease in many cases, their own parents and grandparents used to be the actual victims of these same acts. That the acts have been refined [made more weasely and cowardly] somehow make them harder to detect [seen for what they are]. An individual who sits idly by with knowledge of these atrocities is complicit by their inaction. And a responsible community will never condone this.

Gang Stalking [weak acts]

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Gang Stalking [weak acts]

Community Terrorism acts by their design are weak.  The things gang members are either paid,  conned or cooersed to do to an individual in their community are intended by the [master conspirator] to be simple, weak, weasely acts that frankly they can send children to commit.  The reasons for this are clear.  Gang stalkers know they’re breaking the law when they violate your privacy or trespass on your property in the dark of night.  They also rely on what should be a false conception; that you will not report these small breaches.  And even if you do, it will be a challenge to get law enforcement to react.

That said, instructing either child or adult to sneak around your home spraying poison, toxin, or virus into the various vents exiting your home, is to be taken seriously by all.
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Gang Stalking [weak acts]

Community Terrorism acts by their design are weak.  The things gang members are either paid,  conned or cooersed to do to an individual in their community are intended by the [master conspirator] to be simple, weak, weasely acts that frankly they can send children to commit.  The reasons for this are clear.  Gang stalkers know they’re breaking the law when they violate your privacy or trespass on your property in the dark of night.  They also rely on what should be a false conception; that you will not report these small breaches.  And even if you do, it will be a challenge to get law enforcement to react.

That said, instructing either child or adult to sneak around your home spraying poison, toxin, or virus into the various vents exiting your home, is to be taken seriously by all.

Gang Stalking [master conspirator]

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Gang Stalking [master conspirator]

Without a doubt all acts of gang stalking have a master conspirator.  And without exception, your endeavors to bring any involved individuals to justice should put maximum focus on this individual or agency.  This is the individual with the vendetta.  This vendetta is more than likely kept even from the sheep this individual recruits to do his dirty work.  He accomplishes this deception using lies and slander, and at a minimum has a strong slander suit coming like a heart attack.
The problem generally is, you will have a hard time identifying this individual.  The sheep he recruits are just that sheep –who believe they are actually doing themselves a favor concealing his identity.  He normally operates under the guise of being someone important who can harm the sheep if they betray his trust.  And if he isn’t paying his subverts he probably threatening them..  Either that or these so called recruits are just incredibly stupid.  This combination, plus the weasely, cowardly way in which this rat pack operates none the less, makes it super hard for you to find this guy.
Find him though.  Make him pay.  And maybe get your life back.

Gang Stalking [to each other]

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Gang Stalking [to each other]

Simply put, gang stalking tactic are tools of bigotry refined and put back into circulation most believe by people who are actually supposed to be inproving human relations and brotherhood.  If any of the individuals in any community actually engaging in these vile acts actually looked a few years back in history, they will surely find these same acts actually committed against their very family.

When asked to gang-trample another human being, ask yourself simply;  Is this what you were put on earth to do?

Gang Stalking [strictly psychological]

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Gang Stalking [strictly psychological]

Targeting individuals in a community with repressive gang acts aimed at harming that individual from a purely psychological standpoint would probably only occur in the purest most controlled of contexts, and for that matter probably is an impossibility in itself.  By this I mean, to decide you’re going to disrupt someone’s life, and you want to cause them no direct physical harm, you in no way want to disrupt their family’s much needed finances, but only want them to lay awake at night thinking about you to the extent their life is adversely affected, this  would require first a level of intelligence one can only assume no gang stalker could ever possess in the first place (or they would know better..  right??), and secondly also require a degree of discipline unmaintainable in a group of people fiending on the [false power] of their gang affiliation and its effects on its single weaker victim.
As a matter of fact the intended victim of a purely psychological gang stalking could simply see acts committed by a group of attackers as what it truly is;  Individuals too weak to either express whatever their perceived discontent with the supposed victim is individually, and too weak to singularly wage their war of psychology, lacking probably in both the will and intellect, skill and discipline to take on an adversary themselves, and instead taking orders from a leader no doubt with an agenda hidden even from these inferior recruited minions.  In that knowledge the intended victim can take solace.  First off in that they merit group effort, second in that individuals of the group on scale far underweigh said victim necessitating a group assault, and most importantly seen for what it is, the endeavor has failed, as seen through these eyes, the intended victim’s thoughts of the psychological attack henceforth would have to be thoughts only of how asinine the attack was in the first place  –psychological attack becoming, if nothing else, a morality boost for supposed victim.
This is probably why you will never see purely psychological community terrorism.  The attackers frankly typically lack the minerals.

Gang Stalking [false power]

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Gang Stalking [false power]

Forming a gang or recruiting a gang to harass a family including small children is probably the least powerful thing one can think of.  However those who participate in these acts no doubt have a sense of power at what they do, and sadly so.  If one’s life lacks meaning to the degree that one has to take on an initiative to dismiss or distroy a family in order to feel important, one’s life is truly lacking in meaning.  And perhaps we need to take a serious look at the society we’ve evolved into in general that any of this is even going on.
If you are a victim of gang stalking or community terrorism, remain strong.  Cherish your friends and family, and take solace in the fact that were a gang of savages not trying to destroy everything you are, without as much as even knowing truly who you are, you would just be living your life, and those individuals would be the furthest thing from your mind.

Community Terrorism [your children included]

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Community Terrorism [your children included]

It would be impossible for a group of individuals to target you in your home with acts meant to undermine your quality of life without these acts having direct and profound effect on your children and other family members.  Rather than attempting to think like a savage in an attempt to understanding what reasoning there may be at these witch-hunt meetings on this issue, simply understand, indeed remember, that war on the surface purports to “attempt” to minimise the risk to children, but generally fails to meet this objective.  Animal excrement and garbage on your lawn prevent your children from playing outside.   If there is lack in your refrigerator because of abuses against you, it first affects your children.  If there is a lack for books and the tools for school, the average adult is generally past any schooling.  And when the savage-gang meets its blind objective to completely destroy your family, the rain and the cold will soak first to your children’s bones.

Community Terrorism [without you even being aware]

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Community Terrorism [without you even being aware]

Your home has many points where if someone was dastardly enough they can introduce foreign agents into your home.  Take a walk around your home with this in mind.  If you can put this in context with incident or smell or illness you encounter as part of your experience of terrorism, then don’t rule out what might be happening outside your home when you’re not looking.

Community Terrorism [electronic device failure]

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Community Terrorism [electronic device failure]

Do electric receptacles in your home just stop working?
Do your computers pickup super-viruses, rendering them useless, no matter what you do to cure the device?
Do your desktop computer power supply die prematurely?
Does your cellphone refuse to dial specific numbers.  Do calls into your cellphone from your loved ones just not make it to your handset?
Do your I.P. security cameras crash or turn off without explanation?

Note all out of place occurrences and store each of these failed devices in a secure place in your home as evidence.

Community Terrorism [anonymously]

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Community Terrorism [anonymously]

It is unfortunate in the one sense that there is no such thing as anonymity anymore.  A responsible individual does not go out of their way to intrude into a neighbor’s private life, and were we all responsible, there might still be a little of this anonymity.  If you are a victim of gang stalking or community terrorism, you generally have no privacy at all.  Perpetrators of acts of violence against your family though like to feel like they can do so secretly or anonymously.  The facts are though, despite having a hard time even believing some of the things you are experiencing, you generally have a good sense where these acts are coming from.  If isolation in your community is a part of the campaign, and it usually is, then you know specifically who’s isolating you.  Everyone.  So then you look at degrees.  Well, from whom do I get the most unprovoked grief?  Well, coward conspirators try to work in tandem, you know delegate the work evenly so to speak.  You probably have a good sense if there are those 4 or 5 homes near you whose actions are just unmistakably unneighbourly.  Each of those homes has an address.  Each vehicle that harasses you has plates.  From plates or addresses you can get names.  Your rights are violated each time coward conspirators utter your name.  You want to maintain your humanity, but in doing so you leave savages with the advantage.