Gang Stalking [false power]
Forming a gang or recruiting a gang to harass a family including small children is probably the least powerful thing one can think of. However those who participate in these acts no doubt have a sense of power at what they do, and sadly so. If one’s life lacks meaning to the degree that one has to take on an initiative to dismiss or distroy a family in order to feel important, one’s life is truly lacking in meaning. And perhaps we need to take a serious look at the society we’ve evolved into in general that any of this is even going on.
If you are a victim of gang stalking or community terrorism, remain strong. Cherish your friends and family, and take solace in the fact that were a gang of savages not trying to destroy everything you are, without as much as even knowing truly who you are, you would just be living your life, and those individuals would be the furthest thing from your mind.
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