Monday, 9 January 2012

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Gang Stalking [weak acts]

Community Terrorism acts by their design are weak.  The things gang members are either paid,  conned or cooersed to do to an individual in their community are intended by the [master conspirator] to be simple, weak, weasely acts that frankly they can send children to commit.  The reasons for this are clear.  Gang stalkers know they’re breaking the law when they violate your privacy or trespass on your property in the dark of night.  They also rely on what should be a false conception; that you will not report these small breaches.  And even if you do, it will be a challenge to get law enforcement to react.

That said, instructing either child or adult to sneak around your home spraying poison, toxin, or virus into the various vents exiting your home, is to be taken seriously by all.

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